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Miami Truck Accident Lawyer


  • I was in a trucking accident and need a personal injury lawyer to handle my insurance claim.
  • I am a truck driver that was involved in an accident that lead to third-party personal injuries.
  • I was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck by a truck. Can I file an insurance claim?
  • What kind of insurance do truck drivers carry?
  • How can a personal injury lawyer help me after a trucking accident in Miami?

The best truck accident lawyer in Miami after being injured in a truck accident? In Miami, the entire Perazzo Law Firm staff is fully-dedicated to best serving truck accident victims and insurance claims by providing constant updates and attending to all of our clients doubts or concerns throughout the entire legal process and until a settlement that best satisfies our clients is reached. The Perazzo Law Firm places its client’s best interests at the forefront of all accident claims.

Contact Perazzo Law Online or call (786) LAWS-411 for a FREE consultation if you, a friend, or relative has been injured in a Trucking Accident in a Miami-Dade or Broward County City and Suburb. See CITIES WE SERVE.


The Miami Truck Accident Personal Injury Lawyers at The Perazzo Law Firm, with offices in Miami and North Miami Beach, provide dedicated and professional legal representation to clients who have suffered personal injury, damage, loss, or wrongful death due to accidents involving various types of trucks and tractor-trailers in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Our Miami Personal Injury lawyers assist accident victims in understanding the legal and financial implications that follow a trucking accident in Miami. These accidents, even at low speeds, can result in severe personal injuries such as brain injury, spinal cord injury, bone fractures, or other injuries requiring ongoing medical treatment. Given that big-rigs, tractor-trailers, and semi-trucks can weigh up to thirty times more than an average car, their operation demands extra care and diligence. While excessive driving speeds are a common cause of most truck accidents, various factors can contribute to these incidents.


  • Drowsy Drivers
  • Inexperienced Operators
  • Intoxication
  • Poor Vehicle Condition
  • Excessive Cargo
  • Road-Rage
  • Poor Road conditions
  • Bad Weather
  • Third Party Negligence
  • Cell Phone Use while driving

Recent reports show that of the approximately 500,000 reported crashes involving large trucks in the US, some 4,000 were fatal, with close to 105,000 resulting in personal injury. It is worth noting that fatal accidents that involve trucks most often take-place in rural areas and on interstate highways. This being said, the Miami-based Perazzo Law Firm suggests extra precaution when operating a motor vehicle on highways or rural areas. Pedestrians and bicycle riders should also be extra careful when they detect the presence or approaching of a large truck or vehicle. Semis, Big Rigs, 18 wheeler trucks, and tractor-trailers comprise 13% of the 15.5 million truck operating on U.S. roads, with at least one fatality per semi accident.


  • Averitt
  • Con-way
  • DHL
  • FedEx
  • J.B. Hunt
  • Werner
  • Swift
  • UPS
  • U.S. Express

The trucking companies listed above operate extensive fleets and are legally obligated to submit safety records to the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA), a division of the Department of Transportation. These reports must include detailed breakdowns of accidents, injuries, fatalities, as well as the company’s essential information and the cargo they transport. Annually, this data is made public by the FMCSA as a mandatory disclosure.

It’s worth noting that the average cost of a commercial trucking accident is estimated to be around $60,000, and a staggering 90% of these accidents are attributed to human error, whether it be on the part of the truck driver, other motorists, cyclists, or pedestrians. Regrettably, a significant 30% of all commercial truck accidents are caused by fatigued drivers. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of major carriers along with information pertaining to accidents, injuries, and fatalities on U.S. roadways since 2016.

The combined total of accidents, injuries, and fatalities resulting from trucking accidents involving major carriers on American highways and interstates amounted to 100,368 accidents, 3,476 injuries, and 298 fatalities.

While these statistics represent the largest commercial trucking operators in the USA, it’s essential to acknowledge that there are numerous small and privately-owned commercial trucking companies operating on U.S. roads.

The Truck Accident Attorneys and Staff at our Miami and North Miami Beach offices possess the professional expertise, skills, and resources necessary to promptly determine whether you have a viable case to present to a trucking company’s insurance provider following a truck accident that resulted in personal injury. In Miami, Perazzo Law is wholly committed to safeguarding our clients’ rights and ensuring that injured parties receive fair compensation for their injuries and losses resulting from a truck accident. We provide comprehensive representation, handling every legal aspect of the truck accident case. This process commences with collecting essential information about the accident and reaching out to the relevant insurance provider. Our dedication allows our clients to focus on their personal well-being, while we diligently manage the legal aspects surrounding their personal injuries and compensation in the aftermath of a truck accident. Let our extensive experience guide you in recovering just compensation for the damages you’ve suffered, including lost wages, medical expenses, disability or disfigurement, pain and suffering, and the loss of your quality of life.


Common Injuries Sustained from Trucking Accidents

The extent of the injuries by victims of trucking accidents on Miami roadways can vary according to the type of collision and accident characteristics. Larger vehicles moving at high speeds will have trouble braking in time to avoid a trucking accident. Perazzo Law knows how different trucking accidents can determine bodily harm, property damage, and losses from lost wages, medical expenses, and more. There are certain injuries that are almost certain following a trucking accident in Miami. They are:

  • Head Injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Neck Injuries
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Hip Injuries
  • Knee Injuries
  • Ankle and Foot Injuries
  • Breaks and Fractures
  • Loss of Limbs
  • Wrongful Death

Truck Accident Injuries in More Detail

Victims of trucking accidents may suffer an array of injuries, many of which may be life altering. When victims of truck accidents suffer life- altering injuries such as broken bones, facial injuries, brain damage, loss of limbs, etc, their lives may suffer traumatic mental and economic damage. Trucking companies found at fault for the injuries to truck accident victims are legally liable to compensate accident victims. Perazzo Law strives to make sure accident victims that suffer personal injuries that lead to life-altering situations receive the compensation they deserve for their suffering and losses. Perazzo Law urges truck accident victims to contact our Miami or North Miami Beach offices to schedule a FREE initial consultation to discuss their truck accident claim. Perazzo Law offers its truck accident clients Zero-Out-Of-Pocket representation and we don’t get paid until our truck accident clients get paid for their injuries, medical expenses and losses.

Perazzo Law Serves Car Accident Personal Injury Claims on a No win, No Fee basis with Zero-out-of-Pocket costs to our Clients.

Facial Injuries Can Include:

  • Cuts, bruises, lacerations
  • Eye injuries
  • Ear injuries
  • A broken nose
  • A broken jaw
  • A busted eye-socket
  • A cracked cheek bone

These severe facial injuries will most likely require medical intervention, rehabilitation, medical costs and perhaps lost wages for freelance workers. Perazzo Law strives to achieve full-client satisfaction by catering to their legal needs and providing constant updates on their case while fighting for the compensation they deserve.

Common Head Injuries Can Include:

  • Cuts
  • Bumps
  • Bruises
  • Concussions
  • Blurred vision
  • Temporary loss of hearing
  • Brain Injury or Damage
  • Temporary Paralysis
  • Internal Hemorrhaging
  • Death
  • Neck and Back Injuries Can Include:
  • Disc Damage
  • Whiplash
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal Cord injury
  • Long-term physical complications


-Do not give a statement.
-Do not move or let anyone move you, or your car, unless there is a threat of further injury. Wait for the paramedics and the police.
-Seek medical care and give a complete description of all injuries immediately following the car accident.
-If no injuries are evident, take pictures of all damage to the vehicles involved in the car accident (and photograph the VIN and license plate for identification)
-Take pictures of injuries (all cuts, bruises, wounds, burns or other injuries no matter how small as the insurance company may dispute that a specific part of the body was injured or affected by the accident later on.
-Gather all of the trucking company’s insurance policies and Group Health Insurance information to assist with the processing of payment for your treatment and lost wages while your claim against the negligent party is ongoing.
-Notify your insurance company of the trucking accident (your auto insurance policy requires that you contact them immediately after the accident and failure to do so may jeopardize your coverage).
-Visit your family doctor for a follow-up.
-Contact the The Perazzo Law Firm as soon as possible.

Contact Perazzo Law Online or call (786) LAWS-411 for a FREE consultation if you, a friend, or relative has been injured in a Trucking Accident in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County Cities and Suburbs. See CITIES WE SERVE.


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Client Reviews

The Miami Car Accident Lawyer Mr. Perazzo and his legal team are by far the best thing that could have happened to me after my accident. I felt devastated after being injured and Jonathan Perazzo brought a sense of relief to my woes. The best expert legal advice and support I received from the...

Henry R.

Estoy muy feliz! Luego de mi accidente y lesiones estaba muy triste. Jonathan Perazzo me ayudó muchísimo. Es genial! Durante todo el tiempo que tardó cerrar mi caso, yo senti que Jonathan (JP) era mi amigo y no solo mi abogado. No quiero sufrir otro accidente, pero si sucederia, quisiera que...

Antonio P.

Jonathan Perazzo es un excelente abogado y su equipo es fantástico. Trabajan de una manera muy profesional y a su vez, muy personal. Me hicieron sentir muy cómodo y lograron que yo entienda mejor los temas referidos a mi caso. Atendieron a todos mis dudas y estoy muy feliz con el resultado que...

Jorge L.

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  3. 3 Decades of Experience

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