MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT Claims for Compensation
Motorcycle Lane Splitting Accidents on Miami Highways, Avenues, and Streets
The best possible lawyer for motorcycle accidents in Miami can help motorcycle accident victims receive just compensation for injuries, damages, or losses. The Attorneys at the Perazzo Law Firm know that lane splitting on Miami motorways are a common sight, and that the motorcycle accidents that result from lane splitting are just as common. Motorcycle riders that cut between lanes or rows of slow moving traffic are putting themselves, other motorists, and even pedestrians in danger of suffering personal injury, damage, loss, or even wrongful death. The act of bypassing traffic by lane splitting is not illegal in every US state but it is illegal in Florida. Thus, motorcycle operators that are involved in accidents from lane splitting will be held liable for any injuries or damages they provoke. Lane splitting has been controversial issue in the USA because it is unclear whether or not lane splitting actually safe or dangerous to motorcycle operators. This concern is raised after weighing out the different types of collisions motorcycle riders face while stopped in a traffic jam. Motorcycle operators can easily be side-swiped, rear-ended, cut-off, or suffer an array of mechanical problems while slugging through traffic. Whereas motorcycle riders run lower risks of being crashed into if they are in constant movement. Thus far, California is the only US state to legalize lane splitting (2016) by motorcycle operators on highways, avenues, and streets. Lane splitting is illegal in some twenty US states, with the rest still indifferent to whether it should be legalized or not. If you have any doubts as to whether or not to file an accident claim from an incident involving a motorcycle and lane changing in Miami, contact Perazzo Law
ONLINE for a
FREE INITIAL consultation and
ZERO OUT-OF-POCKET FEES to its personal injury clients hurt in motorcycle accidents.
How do Motorcycle Riders feel about Lane Splitting?
Lane splitting advocates claim that motorcycle riders that split lanes are less likely to suffer accidents from rear-end collisions on heavily congested roadways. In fact, most motorcycles accidents are usually the result of other factors that stem beyond the riders safety precautions. An experienced motorcycle rider knows to approach vehicle door zones or blind spots with greater care, especially at high speeds. Motorcycle accidents on Miami motorways may be the result of oil spots or fuel leaks on the highway surface, and not necessarily lane splitting. Lane splitting advocates also claim that there is little or no research that examines lane splitting as a maneuver that enhances the riders chances of being involved in a motorcycle accident. According to a study by Berkeley (SafeTREC), lane splitting accidents are somewhat safe with traffic moving no faster than 50 mph or not exceeding another vehicle by 15 mph. Results from research carried out that compared lane-splitting accidents to California, revealed that lane splitting accidents resulted in lower likelihood of brain trauma, as well as torso injury and fatal injuries. Those in favor of legalizing lane splitting claim that the ability for motorcycle riders to split lanes helps free-up congested highways and gives room for motorists to move more freely, as well as saves fuel and makes it more practical for motorcycle riders to maneuver amid unfavorable weather conditions.
How do Motorists feel about Motorcycles Splitting Lanes?
Most motorists hate motorcycle riders that take part in excessive lane-changing activity. Basically, out of envy. When a motorist is stuck in traffic, barely moving a mile a minute, a sense of road rage can build up inside which can sometimes lead to a lane splitting accident. Perazzo Law reminds motorists and motorcycle riders that lane splitting is illegal in Miami and in all of Florida. Thus, motorcycle operators or owners that cause an accident as a result of splitting lanes in Miami will be held legally liable for injuries or damages brought about from their actions. Furthermore, Perazzo Law urges inexperienced motorcycle riders to refrain from splitting lanes on Miami highways, avenues and streets. Inexperienced riders are more likely to be involved in motorcycle accidents when splitting lanes in Miami rush hour traffic. It's important to remember that many motorists stuck in traffic grow desperate to make quick progress, thus, they may decide to switch lanes unexpectedly and forget to check their side view mirror form an oncoming motorcyclist splitting lanes. Furthermore, riders should apply added precaution when approaching larger vehicles such as tractor trailers or buses, given that the truck or bus operator may not spot a motorcycle rider approaching at high speeds while splitting lanes.
Best Advice from Perazzo Law following a Lane Splitting Accident in Miami
First and foremost, Perazzo Law and its staff recommends accident victims to remain calm and attend to any serious personal injuries immediately. This can be done by having a passenger, witness, or even oneself contacting emergency medical units and the police. Secondly, if possible, move the vehicle to a safe area in order to avoid further accidents. This would depend greatly on the condition of the vehicles involved in the accident, as well as the location and time of the incident. Thirdly, take photos of the accident scene and vehicles involved, as well as gather the contact information of any eyewitnesses. Fourthly keep all police and medical reports. Finally, contact the Perazzo Law Firm to have the situation evaluated by a professional personal injury attorney to determine grounds for a compensation claim to cover injury, damage, or loss as a result of the Miami motorcycle lane splitting accident.

If you, a family member, or loved-one has been hurt or suffered property damage as a result of an incident involving a motorcycle and another motor vehicle,
Perazzo Law urges you to contact its Miami or North Miami Beach office
ONLINE for a
FREE initial consultation with ZERO-OUT-OF-POCKET costs to our motorcycle accident victims and clients.
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