Personal Injury News in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Orange County


MIAMI-DADE: Getting to school across the U.S. means that about 40,000 kids in Miami-Dade are making round-trip rides aboard 1,060 public buses along 880 routes this year. With a student body estimated at some 345,000, enrolled at 392 schools, together with 40,000 teachers and staff, Miami-Dade boasts 4th place among the largest school districts in the U.S.A. These figures, when added to the number of parents driving their kids to school, will add an unwanted dose of mayhem to the already perplexing & chaotic commuting experience. Sadly, with more hasty & distracted drivers enduring further delays amid the rise in traffic, accidents involving school buses may ultimately increase during the school season. Thus, it’s important for motorists to abide by traffic laws when approaching a stopped school bus.


  • Know your child’s bus route.
  • Tell your child to not walk behind the school bus.
  • Tell your child to wait for the bus to stop completely before stepping off the sidewalk and attempting to board.
  • Tell your child to properly fasten his/her seat belt and stay seated until time to get off or in case of an emergency.
  • Notify the school board if there are irregularities with the school bus condition or the driver’s conduct.


FLORIDA: Was your business looted or your vehicle vandalized during violent civil unrest?

In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm Personal Injury staff knows how frustrating it can be to have your property destroyed and how difficult to face the financial burden that implies. Sadly, respect for the property of others in times of civil unrest brought on from anger or any other of the many social factors plaguing today’s societies, can only be compensated for financially through an insurance claim for compensation. To recover financial losses after incidents of rioting or looting, property owners will need to contact a Personal Injury lawyer that can be able to handle a property damage insurance claim successfully and achieve the best possible recovery from the insurance providers involved in the property damage insurance claim.

When civil unrest turns into rioting and businesses are looted or private property, such as vehicles occurs, the financial impact may exceed the business owner or property owner’s ability to recover financially.

In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm to obtain the best possible compensation from damages caused by violent protesters that riot and loot business in Miami-Dade and Broward. Contact our Miami or North Miami Beach offices ONLINE now for a FREE initial consultation and ZERO OUT-OF-POCKET FEES to our personal injury clients (see our Google Reviews).

Filing An Insurance Claim In Orlando

Following a motor vehicle accident in Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm recommends to proceed accordingly for a successful personal injury accident claim for compensation. Thus, it is vital that the car accident victim, follow the correct procedure to help determine fault, which is very important when filing an accident claim. If the motorist at fault only carries the basic PIP and PD coverage, your injuries and losses may have a negative effect on your financial situation as you will have to go out-of-pocket to foot medical bills, repairs, and any other losses.

The Perazzo Law Firm recommends that victims of a motor vehicle accident follow five main guidelines:

  1. Immediately call the police.
  2. Gather eyewitness testimony & photograph the accident scene.
  3. Seek medical attention & keep all records.
  4. Report the incident to your insurance provider but do not sign anything.
  5. Contact the Perazzo Law Firm

In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm strives to provide the best possible legal representation to our Traffic Accident victims and Personal Injury claims.

Abogado En Orlando Atendiendo Accidentes En Hoteles

El Estudio de Abogados de Perazzo Law atiende a huéspedes que sufren lesiones dentro o fuera de un hotel o lugar de hospedaje en OIrlando. Turistas de todo el mundo viajan a Orlando todo el año, pero a medida que se acercan la primavera y el verano, el número de turistas aumenta, y esto lleva al caos, que aumenta las posibilidades de sufrir lesiones en un accidente de hotel. En Orlando, Perazzo Law tiene vasta experiencia manejando reclamos de accidentes por lesiones que tienen lugar en propiedades públicas y privadas, como en los comercios que ofrecen alojamiento y servicios. Nuestro personal legal esta 100% dedicado a luchar para nuestros clientes y obtener la compensación económica que merecen por sus lesiones o daños, y comprendemos los peligros que existen dentro o alrededor de los hoteles, en los lobbies, piscinas, ascensores, escaleras y restaurantes. Cuando los visitantes en Miami participan en actividades recreativas y de ocio, naturalmente dejan de lado sus preocupaciones. Esto se debe básicamente a que confían en que un proveedor de servicios, un establecimiento hotelero u operador turístico haya tomado todas las precauciones necesarias para protegerse contra accidentes. Lamentablemente, los accidentes ocurren y los visitantes son víctimas de negligencia. Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido lesiones, ¡póngase en contacto con Perazzo Law Ya!

Si no Ganamos, ¡¡no Cobramos!!


Slip, Trip & Fall Accidents In Orlando, Florida

An Orlando slip, trip or fall incident can occur wherever there are people getting from one place to another within private or public establishment such as theme parks, hotels or restaurants. The Perazzo Law Firm reminds slip & fall accident victims in Orlando, that business operators must take the required measures to provide walking surfaces that present no risk of injury or losses to customers or guests.

In Orlando, The Perazzo Law Firm Shares Insight on slip, trip & fall accidents:

  • A person may fall because the steps were improperly designed or built. The steps may be vary in size or distance from each other. Uneven steps can lead to a person missing a step and falling.
  • A person might fall due to a physical impairment, either temporary or permanent.
  • A person may fall due to poor lighting. When it is hard to see where you’re walking, elderly people are at risk of falling; the same goes for toddlers or those under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • A person may fall because there was a slippery substance that causes a slip that leads to a fall.
  • A person may grab hold of a loose handrail that comes unfastened from the wall.
  • A person can fall off a staircase that has no railing or banister.
  • A person trips and falls over something blocking a walking surface.


Orlando Car Accident Lawyer Shares Insight On Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies In Florida

Basic auto insurance is mandatory for registered vehicle owners. According to the Perazzo Law Firm, these basic policies are: Personal Injury Protection (PIP) & Property Damage Insurance (PD). PIP insurance coverage safeguards the insured party (driver and/or household relatives on the policy) for up to $10,000 minus deductibles regardless of fault. In the event of an accident that involves personal injury, the healthcare facility or doctor will be responsible for billing the insurance provider once the policy holder signs an assignment of benefits. PD insurance covers damage to another individual’s property as a result of an accident regardless of fault. In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm reminds PIP and PD insurance policy holders that these basic policies usually fall short of covering the full extent of injuries or losses. That is why, our car accident attorneys urge Orlando motorists to carry additional policies if economically viable.

The insurance coverage policies listed below (in order of importance) are highly recommended:

  1. Uninsured Motorist
  2. Bodily Injury
  3. Umbrella
  4. Collision
  5. Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP)
  6. Comprehensive
  7. Car Rental
  8. MedPay

For a full description of each type of insurance policy, visit the Perazzo Law Firm’s site or CALL (786) LAWS-411.

Qué Hacer Si Eres El Pasajero En Un Accidente De Uber

En Orlando, sufrir un accidente durante un viaje en un Uber o Lyft, es lo último que debe suceder. Similar a cualquier accidente de tránsito, la victima tendrá que explicar lo sucedido. Es conveniente tener un entendimiento básico del sistema legal y cómo se manejará el caso. Ante que nada, es importante asegurarse de las lesiones. El dolor es una forma segura de verificar la lesión, pero es posible que no experimente ninguno debido a la adrenalina o al shock del accidente. Verifique que pueda mover sus brazos y piernas. Tener la información y documentación adecuada. En la escena del accidente, hay información crucial que deberá proporcionar a las autoridades.

Tener la información y documentación adecuada

Verifique y documente:

  • Ubicación del accidente de Uber (nombres de calle o intersección)
  • Número de placa de su viaje en Uber
  • Número de placa de cualquier otro vehículo involucrado en el accidente de Uber
  • Nombre del conductor y número de licencia.

Toda esta información debe documentarse. Tan pronto como pueda después del accidente, anote todo lo que pueda recordar en papel o en su teléfono celular.

Esto debería incluir:

  • Marca y modelo del auto de su conductor de Uber
  • Numero de licencia.
  • Captura de pantalla de la información del viaje Uber desde la aplicación Uber



Ruise Ship Accident Lawyer In Orlando

Personal injury claims from accidents aboard cruise ships.

Orlando: Royal Caribbean and other cruise operators such as Carnival, Disney, Norwegian, arrive to and depart from Orlando year-round. Though cruises aboard luxury liners offer unforgettable experiences at sea, they can sometimes turn into seafaring nightmares. Accidents aboard cruise ships, which may seem unlikely to passengers, do happen, and usually result from negligence by cruise ship operators and staff. Cruise operators tend to find themselves on the receiving end of lawsuits for compensation from passengers that suffer injuries, losses and sometimes wrongful death. In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm knows that accidents aboard cruise ships can include:

  • Slip & Fall Accidents
  • Food Poisoning
  • Negligent Medical Attention
  • Injury from faulty infrastructure
  • And many other
  • Drowning from falling overboard
  • And more…

In Orlando, the Perazzo Law Firm serves cruise ship accident victims seeking compensation for bodily injury, damage, losses or wrongful death from negligent cruise ship operators.

Hurt while aboard a cruise ship? Call us at: (786) LAWS-411 or 888-PERAZZO

Premises Liability and Food Poisoning

Miami Law Firm Serves Personal Injury Claims for Food Poisoning Compensation.

-Diners and food take-out customers in Miami are at high risk of falling seriously ill from consuming foods that have been exposed to bacteria from rats, roaches, flies, insect or any other factors that can lead to the spread of disease. In the Miami-Dade area, a vast number of food establishments and restaurants have been shut down due to failure to meet with health safety inspections. Restaurant operators and owners must comply with health safety regulations to prevent food from being contaminated and cause sick consumers. Spoiled goods or outdated products can also cause people to fall ill, thus restaurant owners and individuals handling foods or elements used to prepare foods should take measures to guarantee freshness and hygiene. Furthermore, negligent use of insecticides can also lead to food poisoning among restaurant goers and consumers.

If you, a friend or relative has fallen ill after eating at a restaurant or have purchased foods at a Publix, Walmart or any establishment where food is sold or prepared, call the Perazzo Law Firm NOW!

Pedestrian Accidents Advice:

Crossing at busy intersection or across quiet suburban streets can be equally as dangerous. This can be due to negligent cellphone by motorists and distracted pedestrians walking while texting. Whatever the case, both pedestrians and motorists must be equally alert to prevent accidents. In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm advises pedestrians to proceed with caution whenever they cross or wait at intersections. Furthermore, private and commercial driveways can also place pedestrians at risk of being run over. Thus, it’s important for pedestrians to approach driveways with caution in order to prevent an accident. Our attorneys have ample experience handling pedestrian accident claims for compensation and we urge victims and their loved-ones to visit our site for more vital information on what to do in the event of a pedestrian accident that leads to personal injury resulting in medical treatment and expenses.

¿Herido En Un Accidente De Moto?

En Miami, todo el personal de la Firma de Abogados Perazzo Law está totalmente dedicado a mejor servir a las víctimas de accidentes de motocicleta al proporcionar actualizaciones constantes y atender a todas las dudas o inquietudes de nuestros clientes de accidentes de motocicleta durante todo el proceso legal y hasta que se llegue a un acuerdo justo que satisfaga a nuestros clientes.


  • Un automóvil o camión hace un giro repentino y causa una colisión con un motociclista.
  • Un automóvil o camión cambia repentinamente de carril mientras no usa sus espejos retrovisores y provoca un accidente de motocicleta.
  • Los equipos de trabajo en la carretera dejan un objeto en una carretera o calle que lleva a un motociclista a sufrir un accidente.
  • El uso negligente del teléfono celular por parte de un automovilista conduce a una colisión con un motociclista.
  • El mantenimiento deficiente de la carretera hace que un motociclista sufra un accidente.

Si usted o un ser querido ha sufrido lesiones personales mientras operaba una motocicleta, scooter o como peatón, contáctenos en línea o llame al (786) 529-7411 para programar una consulta GRATUITA para analizar su caso de accidente de motocicleta. ¡Nuestro personal experto está listo para ayudarlo!

Six-Car Crash Leaves 9 Injured Near FIU

Biscayne Boulevard has been partially closed off following a six-car crash that left 9 injured. The crash occurred in the proximity of Florida International University on Northeast 163rd and Biscayne Blvd a little after 2:30 p.m. as police and paramedics hurried to restore order and attend to the serious injured, two of which were rushed to Aventura Hospital in serious condition.

But what happens when motorists are crashed into and not at fault? Fortunately, all Florida motorists are bound by law to carry PIP and PD insurance, which helps cover medical expenses and damages to those falling victim to a collision. However, determining fault or liability in a multi-vehicle accident can be quite tricky, especially if the motorists that struck another driver is under or uninsured.

In this case, it is best to contact an experienced car accident lawyer. In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm strives to provide the best possible representation.

FREE Initial Consultation and ZERO OUT-OF-POCKET FEES to Clients!


The shores off the Florida coast have much to offer in terms of water sports, tours, and fun. However, the laws of the land may go overboard at sea. Operating a water vessel such as a speedboat, yacht, tour boat or diving boat, requires more than a captain’s license or fair. Vessels taking to the sea must be registered & carry valid safety inspection certificates. Also, captains must abide by many set guidelines for making sure they operate their vessels in accordance to locations and schedules. For example, tour boat captains must avoid dive boats & protected areas abundant in coral reef. Boat captains must also obey speed limits in accordance to the location & proximity to other vessels, divers, surfers, or even swimmers.

Along the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, for example, anchoring is illegal on the reef & there are mooring balls used to accommodate dive & snorkel boats. A tour boat operator may not approach moored vessels since snorkelers & divers may be in the water. Failure to avoid them may result in bodily injury or to divers & snorkelers. Charter boat captains have been under the radar as nighttime sailing can easily turn into tragedy given the atmosphere with which party guests handle themselves. Falling overboard is common aboard yachts where alcohol & other substances abound as a means of fun. Like premises liability on land, tour & charter boat operators owe a duty of safety to guests at sea.

Baby Powder Recall – Asbestos Found

Johnson & Johnson recalls it’s brand of baby powder after the FDA finds asbestos during testing. Though consumers are asked not to panic, those that have purchased the baby powder under lot No. 22318RB, should toss it in the trash. The lot being recalled tested positive for chrysotile fibers, which are a kind of asbestos, according to the FDA. Though tiny quantities were detected, experts believe that any exposure to asbestos is hazardous, especially to children and infants; which stand a greater chance of developing mesothelioma (a type of cancer affecting the lining of the lungs). An investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the asbestos found in the baby powder, which Johnson & Johnson believes may be the result of improper handling or even counterfeiting of its famous baby product.

The Perazzo Law Firm and Products Liability

Businesses are bound by law to guarantee that the goods they manufacture, distribute or commercialize are safe to consumers. Those that bring harm to consumers may be subject to legal action if found at fault for illness, injury or damages resulting from a defective or contaminated product.

Miami Drivers – Among The Five Best Nationwide

Despite the growing increase in negligent cell-phone use behind the wheel, a study by new QuoteWizard finds that Miami ranks 4th when it comes to good driving in the USA. The findings are based on data gathered and analyzed from insurance quotes numbered in the millions. Cities taking part were evaluated according to reported accidents, moving violations, and driving while under the influence. Ranked fourth across the country, Miami has Detroit, Louisville, and Chicago as the cities with the best driving residents behind the wheel. The study not only included the best driving cities, but also the worst. Ranking among the top three cities with the worst drivers were Portland, Boise, and Virginia Beach. Though the number of reported accidents may be a determining factor in the results, tickets issued throughout Miami-Dade dropped by 22% due to setbacks in the process of electronic ticket issuing and failure to provide officers with enough ticketing books. Regardless, Miami drivers finally have something to feel proud of when it comes to driving in Miami-Dade County.

If you were in a car accident in Miami, Perazzo Law is here to help.


In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm shares best practices for dealing with truck accidents on Miami and Suburban streets.

When a truck takes to a city street, the chances of an accident involving another motor vehicle, bike rider, or pedestrian are high. City streets are not designed for the flow of trucks, especially those operated by truck drivers rushing to make a delivery, driving fatigued, or distracted by cell-phone use behind the wheel. When coupled with negligent motorists & pedestrians, driving a truck requires absolute concentration & responsibility.

In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm reminds those that suffer injuries or damages from an accident involving a truck, that establishing fault is fundamental for a successful insurance claim for compensation. The Perazzo Law Firm staff of attorney possess the experience to help establish fault and fight for the compensation truck accident victims deserve for injuries, damages, or losses.

Top Three After A Truck Accident

  1. Call the police
  2. Gather eye-witness testimony
  3. Contact a truck accident lawyer

Find out more about truck accidents and how the Perazzo Law Firm can help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Asesoramiento Sobre Accidentes Peatonales

Cruzar una concurrida intersección o entre carros estacionados, o transitar a pie por calles tranquilas suburbanas puede ser igualmente peligroso. Esto puede deberse al uso negligente del celular por parte de automovilistas y peatones distraídos. Cualquiera sea el caso, tanto los peatones como los automovilistas deben estar igualmente alertas para evitar accidentes. En Miami, la firma de abogados de Perazzo Law aconseja a los peatones que procedan con precaución siempre que crucen o esperen en las intersecciones. Además, las entradas privadas y comerciales también pueden poner a los peatones en riesgo de ser atropellados. Por lo tanto, es importante que los peatones estén atentos al acercarse a las entradas vehiculares. En caso de un accidente peatonal, en Miami, nuestros abogados tienen una amplia experiencia en el manejo de reclamos de indemnización e instamos a las víctimas y a sus seres queridos a visitar nuestro sitio web para obtener más información vital sobre qué hacer en caso de un accidente de peatones que provoque lesiones personales que resulten en tratamiento médico y gastos.

Bombay Sapphire Gin Illegally Spiked?

A 150-year old law could pull Bombay Sapphire Gin off store shelves and bring Bacardy USA and a local supermarket into a federal courtroom. A local businessman has filed a class-action suit claiming that the world-renowned drink is “adulterated” and that Bacardy, which owns the Bombay Brand, is negligently distributing and commercializing this alcoholic beverage, despite its potential for negative side-effects. Allegations stems from the gin’s ingredients, which include ‘grains of paradise’, a typical spice consumed regularly and originating in West Africa. Apparently, and according to the plaintiff’s attorney, the spice may be considered poisonous, despite the unique peppery and warm feeling it adds to the spirit. A Bacardy spokesperson stated that the Bombay Sapphire brand has always been upfront about the ten botanical ingredients that make the drink what it is. In fact, grains of paradise, which is akin to ginger, is available throughout the USA online or in specialty health-food stores. In fact, its popularity has grown given that it is believed to help people lose weight and boost metabolism.

The Perazzo Law Firm handles product liabilty claims. If you believe to have fallen ill or suffered losses due to contaminated goods, contact our Miami or North Miami Beach law offices NOW for a FREE initial consultation.

E-Cigarettes And Vaping Can Lead To Serious Health Issues

Electronic cigarettes have been considered to be relatively safe for those looking to replace tobacco consumption as an alternative to kicking the nicotine habit. However, vaping has been under the spotlight ever since E-cigarette chargers began exploding from erroneous or negligent use. In a recent development and announcement by the Florida Department of Health, an E-cigarette user has died as a result of lung related injuries caused by vaping. This is the first reported fatality among several dozen cases of individuals with lung injuries stemming from consumption of E-cigarette substances. It is reported that nationwide, some 500 cases of E-cigarette users falling ill with 10 users paying the ultimate price from inhaling vape smoke. The Center for Disease and Control advises individuals to refrain from using E-cigarettes until they can determine the exact cause of the fatalities and the reasons behind the illnesses brought about by vaping. In the meantime, the Perazzo Law Firm recommends contacting us online for a FREE initial consultation to discuss a possible insurance claim for compensation from E-cig related injuries or losses.

AI Cameras Got Their Sites On Drivers Texting & Driving

In Miami, and like cities all around the modern world, motorists can’t help but to keep their eyes and hands on their cell phones. In Florida, texting & driving is now illegal, and the use of AI cameras, it’s a matter a time before you’re busted! In the Land Down Under, for example, AI video technology is set to catch motorists red-cellphone-handed by way of a network of 45 Mobile Detection Cameras. If caught, the law enforcement agency of New South Wales will issue a $232 fine. In Florida, drivers caught texting & driving will be fined $30 & get a point off their license. If caught again, there will be $60 fine with three points deducted if snagged within the next five years of the first violation. Despite the potential dangers that come from texting & driving by way of accidents, there are legal issues to consider in the event of personal injury, damage or wrongful death. Negligent cell-phone use is one of the new major causes of accidents in major cities and ranking over drunk driving and speeding. Florida Law also clearly states that motorists may not use their cell phone while the vehicle is in motion, which would apparently make texting while stopped at a red light legal. However, once drivers hit the gas, their hands must be cellphone free. As of 1/1/20, Florida police will issue fines and until then, motorists will receive a warning; but this depends on the officer that pulls the driver over and the situation.

Med Pay Insurance And How It Compliments PIP

What are the advantages of adding Med Pay to your PIP and PD coverage? Basically, Med Pay helps to cover the medical expenses resulting from a motor vehicle accident and absorbs the costs that PIP fails to cover. It’s important to remind motorists that in the event of an accident, PIP will cover 80% of the $10,000 limit and that a minor injury such as a broken nose, can easily consume that amount if a trip to the hospital is needed.

But what exactly is Med Pay and how does it work?

Med Pay is optional and according to the Perazzo Law Firm, it is one of the three most valuable additional insurance coverage policies for motorists that only carry the mandatory PIP or PD in Florida. The other two highly affordable and insurance coverage policies include Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist insurance, which stretch beyond their cost.

Med Pay covers 100% of the accident victim’s medical expenses in line with the coverage limit, which how much you are covered for according to how much coverage purchased from the insurance provider and also covers the medical expenses for the policy holder and any passengers that suffer bodily injury regardless of fault.

To find out more about Med Pay and the ten best insurance policies available to Florida motorists, click learn more below or call the Perazzo Law Firm at: (786) LAWS-411.

Rollover Accidents on Miami Highways

In early July, Kendrick Norton, a defensive tackle for the Miami Dolphins, was a in roll-over accident which resulted in severe personal injuries and an amputated arm. According to The Highway Patrol arriving at the accident scene, the truck he was driving collided into a concrete divider and flipped over. Though there is no official confirmation on what caused the Florida highway accident, there was another motorist involved that reported no injuries.

Roll-over accidents on highways are quite common given the speeds at which motorists drive and when coupled with the distraction from mobile phones, rollover accidents are expected to rise. Ever since cellphones have taken over our lives, car accidents in Miami have soared, and will keep rising if drivers continue to be negligent behind the wheel and drive at high speeds on Florida highways, avenues, and streets.

In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm handles car accident and insurance claims for compensation.

ZERO-OUT-OF-POCKET costs to our Car Accident Clients and a FREE initial consultation to Car Accident victims.


Florida ranks 5th when it comes to the number of motor vehicles driving around with no insurance. That may not mean much to the driver, but it may be of great relevance should you or a loved-one fall victim to their negligence. In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm highly recommends that vehicle owners that can afford to do so, purchase Uninsured Motorist coverage (UM) or Under-insured motorist coverage (UIM) to complement their Bodily Injury insurance coverage. Though Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Protection (PD) are mandatory in Florida, they don’t go a long way when covering personal injuries or damages, with the maximum payout being $10,000 for injuries & $10,000 for vehicle damage. After a motor vehicle accident in Miami, the drivers of each vehicle will have some sort of insurance coverage or no coverage. If the driver has no insurance, the accident victim may sue the driver at fault. However, if the driver has no insurance, that usually means he/she can’t afford it; hence he/she may be broke & unable to cover the accident victim’s medical expenses, damages, or lost wages. Thus, the Perazzo Law Firm suggests purchasing BI & UM or UIM coverage to protect against uninsured or under-insured drivers.

Abogado En Miami Atiende Accidentes De Transito Y Camiones En Miami Y Little Havana


Los camiones que transportan mercaderia en Miami-Dade deben estar debidamente equipados y garantizados de recibir inspeccion regulared de mantenimiento por parte de los propietarios de vehículos y poseer pólizas de seguro que cubran a personas inocentes en caso de un accidente que resulte en lesiones personales graves, daños materiales graves, O incluso muerte injusta en Miami y Little Havana.

Es obligatorio que las compañías de camiones que circulan en las ciudades y rutas cumplan con los límites de cobertura de seguro en caso de un accidente de camión en el que el conductor del camión, el propietario o el arrendador tienen la culpa. El mínimo requerido depende en gran medida del tipo de carga que el camión transporta en carreteras interestatales, avenidas y calles de Miami y todas las ciudades y suburbios en Miami-Dade y Broward.

Las empresas de transporte por carretera cumplen con la ley para cumplir con el mínimo de cobertura de seguro de acuerdo con el tipo de carga que transportan.

Si usted, un familiar o un ser querido ha sufrido lesiones, daños, pérdida o muerte por negligencia como resultado de un accidente que involucró a un camion, comuniquese con Perazzo Law para recibir una consulta gratuito.

Accidentes De Bicicleta En Miami

Herido en un accidente mientras anadando en bicicleta? Los abogados de Perazzo Law atienden a las victimas de la comunidad Hispana. La Florida se encuentra entre los lugares más peligrosos en los EE. UU. Para los ciclistas. En Miami, las calles y avenidas de la ciudad están llenas de vehículos de todas las formas y tamaños. Por lo tanto, cuando los ciclistas intentan vender entre los automovilistas, se exponen a un alto riesgo de lesionarse en un accidente de bicicleta. El bufete de abogados Perazzo Law comparte una visión clara para evitar accidentes en bicicleta y consejos valiosos sobre qué hacer si usted, un amigo o un pariente ha sido víctima de un automovilista negligente. Hay muchas cosas que un ciclista puede hacer para evitar ser herido por un automovilista. En primer lugar, manténgase alerta y evite usar su teléfono celular. En segundo lugar, use equipo de protección y vestimenta adecuada. En tercer lugar, no ande en bicicleta mientras esté borracho o intoxicado. Cuarto, obedezca las leyes de tránsito y evite conducir imprudentemente en el tránsito. Estas son solo algunas de las muchas maneras de mantenerse a salvo en una bicicleta. Con respecto a los procedimientos posteriores al accidente de bicicleta, hay una serie de pasos importantes a seguir.

Accidents On Miami-Dade Roadways Loom Amid Radical Changes In The Flow Of Traffic

Things may get nasty for Miami motorists once the Dolphin & Don Shula Expressways greet early-bird & night-owl drivers with an array of puzzling closures & lane changes. As of this weekend & stretching into next, construction work will lead to a number of confusing detours from blocked on/off ramps & city streets According to the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority & Florida Department of Transportation, the highway closures are needed to continue the SR 836 revamping; which will see new lanes & a possible transit service. Though detouring from usual route may seem scary, what to expect & how to get to your destination can bring relief.

Drivers should know that the MDX & the FDOT are taking measures to ease the pain. Thus, they’ve posted a full list of all ramp closures, which include 14 on the Dolphin Expressway during the late evenings & early mornings.

Just a few include:

  • Eastbound, Westbound, Northwest traffic along the SR 836 and various avenues.
  • Westbound SR 836 entrance ramp from Miami International Airport/Northwest 12th Drive
  • Eastbound SR 836 entrance ramp from northbound and southbound Northwest 37th Avenue.

And many more. There also will be many lane closures and alterations on the expressways and on surface streets.

The Perazzo Law Firm urges Miami-Dade Motorists and out-of-town drivers to check the MDX or FDOT websites for a detailed guide to closures and lane changes.

Miami Motorists Need To Buckle Down For Possible Highway Mayhem And Delays

This weekend, lanes, ramps, & streets will be closed-off & given the green light for construction work on the Don Shula and Dolphin Expressways.

Interstate 95, State Road 826, 836, 874, and many street and avenues.

The Perazzo Law Firm offers a quick breakdown of the closures for Nov 22nd from 11p.m. – 5 a.m:

Dolphin Expressway:

  • SR 836 East exit ramp to Northwest 57th Av.
  • SR 836 West on ramp from NW 45th Av.
  • SR 836 East exit ramps to MIA/north & south Northwest 42nd Avenue/LeJeune Rd.
  • SR 836 West on ramp from North to NW 42nd AV./LeJeune Road
  • SR 836 West off ramp to NW 37th Av.
  • SR 836 East on ramp from north & south NW 27th Av.
  • SR 836 East off ramp to NW 27th Av.
  • SR 836 West on ramp from Miami International Airport/NW 12th Drive
  • SR 836 West on ramp north and south bound NW 42nd Av /LeJeune Road
  • For a complete list of closures and detours, visit

Uber Accidents In Miami – What To Do Following An Uber Accident

In Miami, hiring the best Uber accident lawyer is key to a successful insurance claim for compensation from injuries and losses. The Perazzo Law Firm strives to provide the best possible legal representation to Uber accident victims in Miami and all of South Florida.

But what to do following an Uber accident in Miami-Dade?

Here is a list of the top five things to do following an Uber related accident:

  • Stay calm and contact the authorities.
  • Report any injuries and seek medical care in the event of pain or discomfort.
  • Gather eyewitness testimony and get their contact information.
  • Keep copies of the police accident report and get the Uber drivers license, insurance information, and ride information via a screenshot.
  • Contact the Perazzo Law Firm in Miami before contacting insurance providers and discussing the Uber accident in detail.
  • The Perazzo Law Firm – Dedicated to putting your interests first, always!


Hit & Run Accident In Hialeah, Just One Among Many In Miami-Dade

Hit & Run accidents are quite common in Miami and in almost all Dade & Broward city & suburbs. Sadly, not all hit & run accident victims or family members receive the compensation they deserve following a hit & run accident when the guilty party flees and is never caught. Though most hit & run accidents end tragically & with nobody caught, witness testimony and surveillance cameras can help bring hit & run drivers to justice. Such was the case in Hialeah, when a 32-year old drunk driver was arrested and charged for killing a 73-year old woman after midnight as she crossed an intersection.

In Miami, the Perazzo Law Firm understandS hit & run accident situations and what leads to a driver leaving the scene of the accident after a hit & run.

Most often the driver is drunk or under the influence of narcotics, has no vehicle registration or insurance, or may be driving a stolen car.

Regardless, if caught, the negligent driver will be held liable for compensation to the victim and his/her family.

If you, a friend or relative has fallen victim to a hit & run, contact us ONLINE or CALL 888-PERAZZO for a FREE initial consultation.

We strive to obtain the compensation our Clients deserve for their injuries, suffering, and losses following a hit & run accident.

UPS Truck Driver And Three Others Killed In Highway Gshootout

Armed robbers hijacked a UPS truck following the failed heist of a jewelry store in Coral Gables. According to the police, the incident started just after 4 p.m. in Coral Gables at the Regent Jewelers at 386 Miracle Mile while posing as U.S. postal workers. When the robbery went bust, the robbers fled which resulted in a police pursuit along Interstate 75. This ended in tragedy last night in Miramar as four people were killed in the shootout which took place during rush hour on the Miramar Parkway near Flamingo Road shortly after 5:30 p.m. Among the dead, were both robbers, a UPS employee and the driver of a stopped vehicle taken as a hostage.

Motorists need to seek alternate routes as Southbound Flamingo Road at Pembroke Road will be shut down as a result of the on-going investigation at Miramar Parkway. Please seek an alternate route.

Client Reviews

The Miami Car Accident Lawyer Mr. Perazzo and his legal team are by far the best thing that could have happened to me after my accident. I felt devastated after being injured and Jonathan Perazzo brought a sense of relief to my woes. The best expert legal advice and support I received from the...

Henry R.

Estoy muy feliz! Luego de mi accidente y lesiones estaba muy triste. Jonathan Perazzo me ayudó muchísimo. Es genial! Durante todo el tiempo que tardó cerrar mi caso, yo senti que Jonathan (JP) era mi amigo y no solo mi abogado. No quiero sufrir otro accidente, pero si sucederia, quisiera que...

Antonio P.

Jonathan Perazzo es un excelente abogado y su equipo es fantástico. Trabajan de una manera muy profesional y a su vez, muy personal. Me hicieron sentir muy cómodo y lograron que yo entienda mejor los temas referidos a mi caso. Atendieron a todos mis dudas y estoy muy feliz con el resultado que...

Jorge L.

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